
Wednesday 17 December 2014

Gifts, Donation or Contribution

Cash Donation

A taxpayer is entitled to claim deduction expenses on cash donation made in the basis year for each year assessment in ascertaining the total income which is chargeable to tax. Donations must be paid to the Government, State Government, local authorities, or institutions or organizations which are approved by the Director General of Inland Revenue. Each claim must be substantiated by the original receipt. The receipt is an endorsement for the donation has been approved by the LHDNM.

A taxpayer is also entitled to claim deduction in respect of:
1.     Cash donations for the provision of library facilities which are accessible to the public and contributions in-kind to public libraries and libraries of schools and institutions of higher education. The allowable deduction is restricted to a maximum of RM20, 000.
2.     Cash contribution for the cost of treatment of serious diseases for individuals, made through a fund or trust account approved by The LHDNM established for helping the individuals.

Gifts of Artefacts, Manuscripts or Painting

Starting year assessment 1997, a taxpayer could also give donation or gifts in the form, artefacts, manuscripts or paintings to the Government or States Government, an amount equals to the value of the gift is deductible in ascertaining the total income of the donor. The value or the amount of the gift should be determined by the Department of Museum and Antiquities or the National Archives.

Similarly with effect from year assessment 1998, a taxpayer could also give donation or gifts in the form of painting to the Balai Seni Lukis Negara or Balai Seni Lukis Negeri, and an amount equals to the value of the paintings is deductible in ascertaining the total income of the donor. The value or the amount of the painting should be determined by the respective art gallery.

Contribution For The Benefit Of Disabled Persons

A taxpayer is allowed a deduction for gift of money kind in the basis year for the provision of facilities in public places for the benefit of disabled persons. The value of the donation in-kind to be determined by the respective local authority.

 Contribution to Healthcare / Medical Centre

A taxpayer is allowed a deduction for gift of money or medical equipment in the basis year to any healthcare center approved by the Ministry of Health. The value of the donation in kinds is to be determined by the Ministry of Health or based on the cost of the medical equipment. However, the allowance deduction is restricted to a maximum of RM 20, 000.

How to Claim Deduction

Taxpayers who wish to make claim on the expenses in respect of the contributions, gifts or donations should fill up the Income Tax Return Form and the payment receipt or the certified letter by the relevant entity that received such gifts or donation must be obtained and kept for verifications.

Allowable Gifts as Deduction from Aggregate Income

1.     Cash donation  --- Approved Donation Amount
2.     Cash donations / contributions to libraries. --- Maximum RM20000
3.  Cash contribution to the cost of treatment of serious disease for an individual. --- Approved Donation Amount
4.  Gift of artefact, manuscript or painting. --- Amount determined by Department of Museum or Archives
5.     Contributions in cash or in kind towards facilities for the benefit of disabled persons. --- To be determined by local authority
6.     Gift of medical equipment or money to healthcare facility. --- maximum RM20000 (as certified by Ministry of Health)
7.     Gift of painting.  --- Amount determined by national Art Gallery or ant state art gallery.

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